Area news summer 2021
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Chester-le-Street cadets have collected river litter using a giant stand-up paddleboard. They noticed litter collecting in the River Wear while doing their kayaking and paddleboard training and wanted to do something about it. More water-based litter pick sessions are planned.

North West
Birkenhead Unit has built a ship simulator to help cadets master the navigation skills they learned from an online course during lockdown. Cadets and volunteers have converted a disused office space into an interactive simulator with a state-of-the-art sound system, portholes and red glow navigation lights, to recreate what it’s like to navigate at night.

South West
Most roundabouts are filled with flowers, but Exmouth Sea Cadets has contributed a wrecked boat to the redesigned Strand roundabout in the town. Dignitaries, VIPs and local residents gathered in May to say a public thank you to everyone who had made the project possible. The work was part of Exmouth in Bloom’s bid to brighten up the town centre ahead of regional and national Britain In Bloom judging. Judges are expected ahead of the South West and Britain in Bloom awards in July and August.

Rushden Sea Cadets have cleaned up a section of East Northamptonshire’s Greenway to mark Earth Day. Armed with rubble gloves and rubbish bags, the socially distanced litter pickers were widely praised and thanked by members of the community.

Brentwood Unit’s Leading Cadet Miles has collected litter-picking kits from Brentwood Borough Council for his fellow cadets, so they could all take part in London Area’s World Oceans Day initiative. LC Miles approached his local council, who donated litter pickers, high-visibility vests, gloves and bin bags for his unit. The cadets have all safely done their bit to clean up the local community and help to save our oceans! Find out more on the World Ocean Day website.

This spring, Home Affairs Minister Len Norman opened a new temporary HQ for Jersey Sea Cadets. CO Lt David Thompson, said: “It’s taken five months to make the building suitable, safe and multi-functional. That’s over 2,000 combined volunteer hours! We now have two huge halls, a juniors’ mess, nine classrooms and ample storage.” Sadly, Len passed away in June, so the Government is pushing to make sure Jersey cadets have a permanent base, as it’s a cause that was close to Len’s heart.

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