Course spotlight: Health & Wellbeing

Sea Cadets is launching training to empower cadets and volunteers to talk about mental health and wellness. Daniel Gallacher, Head of Learning Development, explains

Cadets gather together under a canopy
Sea Cadets is all about getting out on the water, so it’s important to stay safe

With one in six children aged five to 16 identified as having a mental health problem* it is no surprise that volunteers and cadets have asked for more focus on wellbeing. The Health & Wellbeing training sessions for cadets and volunteers will be rolled out as part of the Cadet Training Programme (CTP) for sea cadets, Cadet Training Syllabus (CTS) for royal marine cadets and new Yellow Modules for juniors. 

How will the sessions be delivered?

The unit-based training is made up of modules, each designed to last for one training night. They consist of a session plan, a PowerPoint presentation and other resources. 

What will the sessions achieve? 

All the modules have been designed and tested with input from volunteers and cadets. Each module has its own outcomes, but collectively they will: 

  • Help to build understanding and awareness of health and wellbeing  
  • Explore the concept of ‘healthy habits’ that cadets can develop
  • Allow cadets to build a toolkit to look after themselves  
  • Introduce the concept of ‘active listening’ and how cadets can  support each other
Cadets rowing together

What support is available for volunteers?

We have developed two workshops to help volunteers, one about supporting cadets and one for volunteers as managers, to help them support their teams.

The workshops will build awareness and understanding of mental health, discuss the stigma attached to it, and explore volunteers’ management roles. The sessions will be available later this year to help volunteers run the courses. 

“Our hope is that we create a culture that not only supports diversity and acceptance but also encourages learning throughout our lives. That all cadets and volunteers will have increased resilience when it comes to mental health and emotional wellbeing, which in turn leads to all members of the Corps feeling supported and accepted.”

Adam Digby, RMN, Specialist Consultant in Mental Health 

Remember, if you are ever worried about a cadet, follow the safeguarding procedure outlined in the Yellow Card.

*Source: Young Minds, July 2021

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