Meet your Buddhist chaplain
Our newest chaplain is Matthew Percival/Geshe Tenzin. He tells us about the role and how he’s here to support people of all faiths or none

What are some of your responsibilities?
They include leading the unit in pastoral matters, teaching core values, being a good listener, monitoring morale, working with cadets and volunteers to engage with the community, and being a moral compass.
Why is chaplaincy good for youth charities?
The role also covers advice, boosting morale and being a friend and advisor to all. We want to develop young people so they engage with faith issues, and can disagree in a friendly way.
What are some of the skills required?
Being able to listen, having patience, compassion and a willingness to serve.
Can you tell us a bit about Buddhism?
Buddhism is the teachings of the historical Buddha Siddhartha Gautama, born in Lumbini (Nepal), around 2,500 years ago. Buddhists believe he understood the true nature of reality and became the Buddha, or “one who has awakened”. At the core is outlining the cause of suffering, and finding a path to its end. It offers a practical guide for living an ethical and worthy life, including understanding, effort, actions and mindfulness.
Why and when did you become a Buddhist?
Before joining Sea Cadets this year, I was a volunteer in the Scouts for 37 years. I started to study Buddhism in the early 1990s and found my spiritual path. When I became a Scout Commissioner and had to restate my promise, there was a Buddhist option to declare ‘Duty to my Dharma’ instead of ‘Duty to God’, so I chose to take the Buddhist promise.
Can cadets and volunteers from all faiths (or no faith at all) seek support from a chaplain?
Chaplains are here to serve all members of Sea Cadets, whether they have a personal faith or not. People often feel stress in their lives – from family, relationships, work or exams. Sometimes you need someone to talk to, and chaplains are here to give that support.
What has been your favourite part of the role?
Meeting other chaplains and being made to feel so welcome, and visiting Sea Cadets units, and seeing cadets and volunteers learning new skills while having fun.
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