Volunteer spotlight: Unit finances
Financial Controller Magdalena Mussett explains how the Finance Team supports our units and volunteers

What is the role of the Finance Team?
We are a friendly team of people who are here to help in all finance-related matters. We support all Marine Society and Sea Cadets employees, volunteers, units and trustees. Our main role is to ensure the charity’s money is appropriately safeguarded and spent in the best possible way, in order to provide the best possible service to our cadets. We are governed by internal policies and procedures, as well as an external audit, which means all our processes must be compliant as well as user friendly.
Who is in the Finance Team?
We are a team of seven (full-time and part-time) finance professionals, providing support across all areas. On a regular basis we are responsible for a range of duties, including making payments to volunteers, units, suppliers, trustees and staff; paying salaries; reporting to funders; producing financial statements, preparing and compiling budgets; ensuring correct taxation; providing financial advice; ensuring we pay the best price for goods and services; and providing guidance and support to unit treasurers when required.
How does the Finance Team support volunteers and units?
We process volunteer and unit claims weekly, as soon as they are authorised. We make weekly payment runs for all expenses and volunteer allowance is paid once a month, via payroll. This has been supported further by many of the tools we introduced in recent years.
Since April 2022 we have achieved the following:
- Onboarded 5,280 volunteers and 300 units into Finansys apps
- Processed and paid 18,000 volunteer expenses claims
- Processed and paid 18,300 volunteer allowance claims
- Processed and paid 4,000 unit invoices.
What has been the focus of the Finance Team in the last few years?
We have been focused on improving the digital experience and streamlining our processes, to make claims easier for volunteers, units and employees. We started this by introducing an interface between Westminster and the finance system. We are slowly adding, developing and improving different apps which, with each step, has made payment claims easier and faster.
3 frequently asked questions for the Finance Team
1. Why can’t I log in to Finansys apps?
You might need to update Westminster with your bank details and NI number.
2. What is my Finansys username?
For volunteers it’s your Westminster pin, for units it’s the unit supplier number.
3. Why is my payment less than my claim?
Expenses are paid weekly. VA is paid monthly and can be subject to tax and NI. VA claims approved before the 7th are paid the same month. Otherwise they are included in the next month’s payroll.
How to get in touch with the Finance Team
The Finance Team can be reached at finance@ms-sc.org
Or for area- and district-specific enquiries contact rfm@ms-sc.org
We strive to share all relevant updates in fortnightly communications and within T&A – please always look out for those to keep up to date with new developments.
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