Elaine Knight-Roberts


Quiz: Test your nautical knowledge


Spinnaker sails

Quiz: True or false?

Test your nautical knowledge with this quick quiz…

Statue of Lord Nelson looks over the Thames

Wordsearch: Battle of Trafalgar

Take a break and see if you can beat our Trafalgar-themed puzzle

HMS Victory replica

Quiz: Battle of Trafalgar

Test your knowledge on the
Battle of Trafalgar and how Sea Cadets marks its anniversary

Close-up of an eight knot

Know your knots: figure eight knot

Find out how to tie a figure eight knot
and take a quick quiz to test if you know what it’s used for


Wordsearch: boating

Take a break to see if you can beat our boating themed wordsearch

Cadets on Royalist

Know your knots: rolling hitch knot

Find out how to tie a rolling hitch knot
and take a quick quiz to test if you know what it’s used for

RMCs look at a map

Wordsearch: Royal Marines Cadets

Take a break to see if you can beat our RMC themed wordsearch

Cadets on board Royalist

Know your knots: the Ashley Stopper

The Ashley Stopper knot – find out how to tie it and what to use it for.


Area News Autumn 2020

See what’s been happening across the UK.
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